Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Workout Schedule for Bodybuilding | Body Health ? Bodybuilding ...


Bodybuilding Workout Schedule

Whenever you decide to begin a bodybuilding program you will need a workout schedule. This will help you stay focused and is a necessary part of muscle growth. The schedule is what will get your muscles used to the rigors of strength training and help you gain muscle mass.

A workout schedule for bodybuilding will consist of two components: exercise and rest. You will need to strength train on a regular basis. Usually, trying to do this every day at the same time is a good idea as it helps your body get used to it and keeps you from not putting it off for later. Once you establish a schedule you will get into the rhythm of things and can begin transforming your body.

Rest is another important factor in your bodybuilding schedule. Your muscles need rest in order to recover from the training. When you strength train, your muscle tissues are broken down. They need time to repair themselves so they may grow. This part is just as important as the exercise itself.

If you are looking to gain muscle mass in a very short period of time, you will need to follow an intense exercise program. Begin each workout with a short warm up. This should be five to ten minutes of light cardio. Walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike will work well for this. You should also be sure to stretch your muscles after warming up so they will be ready for the workout.

Warm up before each exercise using approximately half the weight you will use during your working sets. Perform around four to six repetitions with the lighter weight. This will prepare your muscles to work under heavier loads.

Exercise each muscle group, doing two to three sets of each with eight to 12 reps. As time goes by, you will decrease the number of reps while increasing the amount of weight. This is what makes it an intense workout. You are pushing your muscles to the max by using heavier weights. More reps here won?t do you more good, in fact, they may wind up doing less. You don?t want to over train your muscles, you simply want to stimulate them, not annihilate them. More weight is what will do this for you in a short amount of time.

Move through all your exercises and cool down afterwards. Post-workout stretching will help you relax the muscles and begin the repair process. You muscles need to stay flexible, with msucle flowing nutrients to them in order to grow. Work out three to four days a week hitting different muscle groups on different days. Splitting it up like this also keeps you from over training. Rest the remaining days. Your muscles will thank you for it by beginning to grow stronger and before you know it you?ll gain more muscle mass in a short period of time than you ever thought possible.

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